Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mediocrity and the Road Most Taken

It occurred to me in the past few months that many institutions of higher learning operate under a culture of mediocrity. Now I am not going to be pointing any fingers, but it is not hard to tell which institutions are included in this general criteria. One may even be the place you are in now...

I came upon this notion after the results of my last annual evaluation, one in which I scored rather high. The fact that I scored high did not result a call for congratulation by the administration, but instead raised a red-flag in that I did score high in the face of the majority that scored average. It was explained to me by my director that if a supervisor turns in an evaluation that exceeds the basic average, the administration frowns and demands written proof of why such an evaluation has been written. Such written proof was provided in the forms of e-mails and unsolicited faculty letters heaping laud on my work.

Later, my director explained the mechanics of the evaluations. She said that administration expected everyone to score average, and score average, you just have to show up to work and just basically do a minimal effort at you job!! Those people that exceed the average must prove why as this in turn makes everyone else look bad.

A culture of mediocrity.... Just what we need for the status quo to remained unchanged and progress to be limited.


Rebecca said...

sigh. they want average workers. exceptional librarians need not apply!

Justin Gillespie said...

Ha ha! You sound SURPRISED! You work in academia - the ONLY institution where the merits of liberalism run amuck - and are REWARDED! Of course mediocrity is rewarded there! How dare you show your personal work ethic - one might mistake that for a competative desire! The very fuel by which capitalism is fed! Why, your boss probably called you an IMPERIALIST behind your back! All joking aside, your position in acedmia is mirrored by what unions do to businesses and what the practice of socialism does to industry. It is stifled! Ingenuity - stifled! Self accomplishment - stifled! I don't know your reaction to this evalution, but if it were me, it would only inspire to try HARDER, accomplish MORE, and throw a few more sabots into their Marxist gears. Let them chew on that!